Thursday, 10 January 2013

Branch Annual General Meeting – 8th March 2013

All members of the Senate House UNISON branch are invited to attend the branch’s Annual General Meeting which will take place on the 8th March 2013 from 12-2pm in Senate House, Torrington Room (Room 104).

Please try and attend – this is your chance to elect officers, hear about the branch’s achievements over the last year, and to have your say about what your union branch should be doing. Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green Party, will be the guest speaker, and a sandwich lunch will be provided.

For Balfour Beatty Workplace, London Deanery and University of London employees, your employer has agreed that you may take one hour of the AGM as paid work time and the other hour as your lunch break – subject to confirmation from your line manager. Please contact your local steward if you experience any difficulties getting time off to attend the AGM.

Please find a nomination form for officer posts attached as well as a draft agenda. The deadline for nomination to officer posts is the 18th January 2013 – please return any forms to the Branch Secretary ( A list of stewards and officers and their contact details is attached.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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