Tuesday 24 April 2012

SAUL Pension Changes - UNISON to ballot

The University has informed us that the changes to SAUL will be implemented in July. This follows meetings of the SAUL Negotiating Committee on 19th March and then a joint meeting with the SAUL Board of Trustees on 22nd March. At this second meeting the decision to implement the changes was made following the formal consultation that ended on 9th March.

At the trade union side meeting that took place before the Negotiating Committee on 19th March, it was made clear by the Unite representatives that they had a mandate to accept the changes. A joint union statement was put to the Committee meeting that confirmed Unite’s acceptance of the changes and UNISON’s opposition to them subject to further consultation. However the Board took the decision to implement.

One concession gained was an agreement to jointly review the CARE scheme 12 months after its introduction in July.

We are now preparing for a consultative ballot of all members in institutions that have the SAUL scheme.

The ballot will be conducted by ERS and dependent upon the timetable we are able to draw up with them, will likely run from the end of April.

Further information regarding exact dates of the ballot etc. will be sent out as soon as available.

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